Nature's Hearth
Independent Herbalife® Distributor
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You Have Nothing to Lose but
those Extra Pounds . . .

                                             Before: 615 pounds     After: 210 pounds

Jim Lost 405 Pounds!

At 210 Lbs.

"My weight had climbed to an all-time high of 615 pounds, and my healthwas getting worse.  One day a man approached me and asked to talk.  He said he didn't want to offend me, but that he could help me safely lose weight.  I took him up on his offer and started following the Thermojetics® Weight Management Program.  Right away I had unbelievable energy.  In just under two years on the program, I lost 405 pounds, over 200 inches and went from a pants size 80 to a 34.  I love these products and will use them for the rest of my life!  If I can lose weight anyone can!"
--Jim Poore, USA  

At 615 Lbs.

 Sarah After: 156 pounds                                   Sarah Before: 238 pounds

At 156 Lbs.

Sarah Lost 82 Pounds!
"I was overweight, abandoned by my husband and struggling to support two small boys on welfare and food stamps.  At 238 pounds I found myself exhausted, desparate and broke, until I met a friend who sent me a supply of Herbalife products.  I shared them with my mom and we both lost weight.  We really appreciate Herbalife products."

"I feel better about myself and now have a new and positive approach to life."
 --Sarah Cranston, USA

At 238 Lbs.

The Vazquezes Before: 170 & 225            The Vasquezes After: 120 & 165

Maria & Juan Lost a Combined 110 Pounds!

At 120 and 165

"I was always very slender until I became pregnant with our first child.  My husband, Juan, never had a weight problem until a back injury at work disabled him for three years.  Along with the weight came many health problems.  A friend introduced us to Herbalife and Juan has now lost 60 pounds.  So far, I've lost 50 pounds and we both feel better than we have in years."

At 170 and 225

Copyright © Nature's Hearth. All rights are reserved by ABC Burden & Bain, Enterprises. Statements regarding the health benefits of specific products have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. The development of Herbalife® products are based upon the research of board certified medical advisers.